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Scoil Maelruain Senior National School, Tallaght, Dublin

Principal's Welcome

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our new school website. 

Founded in 1976 and located in the heart of the Old Bawn community, Scoil Maelruain Senior is a wonderful place in which to teach and learn. Our dedicated staff, supportive parents and a wide range of extracurricular activities strives to ensure that every child receives a well-rounded and fulfilling educational experience. I am always delighted to see the dedication of our wonderful staff in providing a well-rounded education for all our pupils. 

In our school, we strive to create a positive and inclusive environment where all children and adults feel valued and supported. As a Catholic school under the patronage of the Archbishop of Dublin, our school community is guided by Christian values such as respect, kindness, honesty and tolerance, which shape everything we do. We are proud to recognise and celebrate the unique talents and achievements of every child.

In Scoil Maelruain Senior, we focus on helping every child to "Grow, Learn, Achieve," as our school motto goes, in a supportive environment and a warm, inclusive atmosphere.

With a proud tradition of education, our school continues to move forward with drive, enthusiasm and a shared sense of achievement.

Thank you for visiting our website. I hope you enjoy exploring all that our school has to offer.

Le dea guí,

Padraic Moore

Principal of Scoil Maelruain Senior


Latest News

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Today we celebrated our Stempathy showcase with Ms Conlon’s and Ms Cullen’s...
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This week was the culmination of many months of hard work with the long awaited...

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